Below we have a list of all of the ministries that we offer here at First Church for you to connect. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when joining one of our ministry programs. We believe that engaging in fellowship is a very important tool when growing to be more like Jesus. The encouragment of others is a powerful thing.

Life Groups

Would you like to be a part of a small loving community committed to loving each other, growing deeper in Christ, praying and caring for each other all in the warmth of a home? We have several Life Groups that are open to anyone. Contact Bryant for more information. 

Kids Quest - Sundays

Kids Quest is for our 3 year olds through 5th grade. This program meets almost every Sunday during the worship service. Children begin the worship service with their parents. Then when directed they leave for an age appropriate worship experience. 

*Nursery is available for ages 0-3 year olds.

Student Ministry

The Student Ministry at First Church (Mosaic) partners with parents to disciple students from 6th - 12th grade and compel them to grow in relationship with Jesus. Check out our page for more infortmation!


MorningConnect is available Tuesdays at 6:30 AM. Helping men and women become disciples of Jesus Christ loving the Word, learning the Word and living the Word in the context of loving, accountable relationships.


Iron is several small groups where men meet once a week at an agreed upon time by the group. These groups connect and spur each other on to be the men God designed them to be. The group studies scripture, prays together and holds each other accountable. Interested? Contact the church office.

Women of the Word

Women of the Word (WOW) is several small groups where women meet once a week at an agreed upon time by the group. These groups connect and want to know the Word, love the Word, and live the Word. Interested? Contact the church office.

MidWeek Family Night

MidWeek meets Wednesday evenings September through March. MidWeek is one of the best things you and your family can experience at First Church! We have a wonderful team of adults who prepare a meal each Wednesday.

MidWeek Meal starts at 5:30 PM

Mosaic MSM: 6:00 - 7:30 PM

GEMS / Cadets / Squires: 6:15 - 7:45 PM

Adult Bible Study: 6:30 - 7:45 PM

Mosaic HSM: 7:30 - 9:00 PM

We want this experience to be as fun as possible for your children, but also as safe as possible. Please check your child/ren in at The Hub. 

Kids Quest Registration Form

EPICS Ministry

This active group draws many of our retirees, but no matter what age you are, you are sure to enjoy the fellowship and interesting topics. EPICS meets once a month from


2024 Schedule

CARE Ministry

Care Ministry involves building wholesome relationships with people, but it also involves bringing the presence of Jesus into a person's life at critical times of need. At First Church, this ministry is primarily carried out by our Care Shepherds. Care Shepherds are called by God to be the reflection and presence of Jesus of the Body of Christ in times of need, and in routine care. In their ministry Care Shepherds strive to CARE:

Contact periodically.

Available in times of need.

Remember in prayer.

Exemplify Christ's attitude of humility and service.

Women's Ministry

A ministry designed for every woman no matter her age or stage of life. The women's ministry is a place where you can meet friends, enjoy the company of other women, and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. We offer Bible studies, events and opportunities to serve in the church and in the community. 

Regular women's gatherings:

Piecemakers: Meets at 9 AM the 3rd & 4th Tuesday of the month. They quilt, work on weighted blankets and other projects.

FRENZY: (Friends, Relatives, Employment, Neighbors) Hosts a variety of planned events and retreats to help you grow in your relationship with Christ as you reach out to the community with the life-giving message of God's hope.

Fellowship Meal

From September to March, our Wednesday evenings are full of great food and fellowship and the life of our church’s families. Supper begins at 5:30 PM, with Kids Quest activities beginning at 6:15 PM. During Kids Quest activities an adult Bible Study is conducted by Pastor Bob Johnson. If you want to get to know our church better, here’s a good place to start. Come and bring a friend or two!

College Ministry

Calling all College Students! We would love to connect with you. There are many ways you can get involved at First beyond Sunday morning service. Sign up to be 'adopted' by a family within First Church for food and fellowship. Attend food and game nights with our young adult group, NEXT. Become a better leader by joining CORE. Join a Life Group for a multigenerational Bible study opportunity. Contact our church office to sign up or for more information. Bring a friend! We look forward to seeing you soon!

NEXT: Young Adult Ministry

A Ministry for young adults (Ages 18-29) seeking to build authentic community through

fellowship, food, and fun. Contact Bryant for more information. 

Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible study classes are available Sundays from 11 AM - 12 PM. As well as Wednesday evenings during MidWeek. Check out our bulletin for a list of current classes.

Kaden's Kloset

Kaden's Kloset: Pella began in September 2018 in the basement of First Church. Since that time we have had the privilege of serving over 160 foster children and their families. We have had children from six weeks to eighteen years old come and shop our kloset. We love to see new faces and invite foster parents, adoptive parents and any in need families to shop our kloset.

All of our different areas that you can serve are broken down into specific groups. We hope that you will be able to find a ministry that you can best use your talents in. This means if you are a young man with a strong back, we would love your support in lawn care around the church. If you are an elderly woman, spending time in our nursery would be much appreciated. Check below for a small list of some of those areas. 


*Lawn Care around the church building

*Greeters at the doors before services

*Working inside the nursery

*Serving on the worship team

*Donate cookies/bars for Sunday fellowship
