Local Missions
Local Missions
We partner with local missions to meet needs through the hope of the gospel. Local ministries are a great way for a family to learn and serve together. Here are some of the local ministries we support:
*Pella Community Food Shelf (We take collection 1st Sunday of every month.)
US Missions
We partner with US missions that are working to share the gospel in our nation. Here is a list of US ministries we support:
Jicarilla Apache Reformed Church in Dulce, New Mexico
Brad & Robin Kautz
Location: Dulce, New Mexico
Partner: RCA
What need is God showing us? Towering mountains, imposing mesas, and deep lakes make up the land of the Jicarilla Apache Nation reservation. This land in Dulce, New Mexico, is home to nearly 2,800 members of the Jicarilla Apache Nation, many of whom are plagued by alcohol and substance abuse, broken families and trauma, domestic violence, and a poor school system.
In a place where the RCA has had mission presence for more than 100 years, Brad Kautz serves as pastor for Jicarilla Apache Reformed Church (JARC). His focus is primarily pastoral ministry, which includes weekly worship, Sunday school, a community prayer meeting, youth ministry, and visits to residents of nursing homes, jails, and detox centers. Through these means, he brings hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
World Missions
We also support several missionaries who serve Christ sharing the gospel around the world. Here is a list of world ministries we support:
Scot and Becki Dykstra
Ministry: TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission)
Location: Nagoya, Japan
What need is God showing us? They are focused on evangelism and church planting in Nagoya, Japan. 120 million people in Japan have not heard the Gospel of Jesus. The Japanese are the 2nd largest un-reached people group in the world. Less than 1% of Japanese people are evangelical Christians, and the majority of Japanese people will go through their whole life without hearing the Gospel. The primary religion in Japan is Buddhism, and this is often times blended with Shintoism and cultural traditions. There are few evangelical churches in Japan, and the majority of the ones present are led by aging pastors.
Abraham and Sayuri Kist-Okazaki
Ministry: Evangelism and Church Development
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Partner: United Church of Christ in Japan
What need is God showing us? They are teaching and training congregations in the United Church of Christ in Japan on how to incorporate contemporary music and "seeker-friendly" elements into their worship so churches can more effectively reach non-Christians, who make up 99 percent of Japan's population.
Bob and Amy Abel
Ministry: Remember Nhu
Location: Southeast Asia
About the mission: Bob Abel works with Remember Nhu, an organization that works to end child sex slavery in 13 countries. Remember Nhu uses a prevention model that keeps children out of the sex trade before they’re sold, leading to whole communities that have put sex brokers out of business.
Bob serves as director of staff care for Remember Nhu, providing pastoral care, discipleship support, and leadership development to its international and indigenous missionary staff. His initial focus is working with Remember Nhu’s Southeast Asian locations to develop a global care strategy for all of the organization’s missionaries, as well as preparing new missionaries to enter the field.
Felipe and Janelle deWaard-Silva
Ministry: New Horizons Foundation
Location: Romania
About the mission: Felipe and Janelle deWaard-Silva have been called to work with Roma youth in the Jiu Valley to build trust, perseverance, character, and courage through rock climbing. Roma people are heavily discriminated against. And Dallas, the neighborhood closest to our gym, is one of the poorest in the valley. Many parents move away to find work but leave their children behind in Dallas. These children receive little education and have to beg or steal to make ends meet.