Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Thank you for all your support!

Thank you so much for your support in our ministry. We take each offering as a major blessing to what we are trying to accomplish. We have been called by God to do great things in and around our community and none of it would be possible without your financial support. Every penny of your tithe will be put to great use for God's work in our lives. We pray and thank God for our congregation every day.

Without you all there would be no church. You are the church.

At First Church there are several ways for you to give. Giving is an act of worship. When you give from your resources, you are with. Here are the ways you can give and bless:

Automated Giving:

First Church automatic bank draft is a way to give a fixed amount each month for your gift. It is an easy process. Just stop in the church office and leave a voided check and sign an authorization form. Your gift will be taken out of your bank account around the 20th of each month.   

First Church Automatic Bank Draft Form

Weekend Service Giving:
You may give your gift during Sunday worship services when the offering plate is passed. In the pew backs, you’ll find blank envelopes which you can use for your gift (with or without your name). Weekly pre-dated offering envelopes can also be provided for your family upon request from the church office.

Weekday Giving:
You may bring your gift into the church office during regular office hours or mail your gift to the church office.

Stock Gifts:
Giving appreciated stock instead of cash may be to your advantage from a tax standpoint. Taxpayers who itemize their deductions can take a deduction for the current market value of the stock which is given (as of the date of the gift) and yet not owe any capital gains tax since the gain is realized by the church. The church is exempt from capital gains tax, so this can make a significant difference based on your tax bracket and on the gain in the stock value during the time it was owned by you.

Memorial Fund:
Memorials that are given to the church are at the designation of the family. This is often done as an expression of their appreciation to the church for their support and devotion. Generally speaking memorial gifts are given directly to the family and subsequently given to the church. This is the preferable way by most families. Gifts are acknowledged by the family and ultimately given to the church along with the families preferred designations. It is suggested that the memorial contributions be made directly to First Reformed Church by the donor as this allows for a qualified contribution by the donor. The memorial committee then administers and facilitates the use of the gifts per designation.

Contribution Reports:
All contributions will receive a contribution report in January which will reflect the prior year’s gifts. This report is also an internal financial control, so we ask you to please check the report for accuracy. Please call the church office if there are any errors. Also, this report must be kept with your tax return documents should you use the church gifts as an itemized tax deduction.

Other ways to give

While your financial support is much appreciated, there are other ways you can give to the church. We understand that everyone may not be able to give as much as they would like and we understand. If you are still looking for ways to serve we provided a list below of some option that you may be interested in. Anything you could do would be ever so greatly appreciated. Contact the church office to put your gifts to work.

Thank you again for your continued support. God bless.


*Lawn/Garden Maintenance

*Childcare during Sunday Service

*Door Greeter/Usher

*Wednesday Night Fellowship Meals

*GEMS/Cadets/Squires Leaders

*Church Office Support

*Mosaic Youth Leader

*Kitchen help/Meal servers for funerals

*Worship Team